Crystal methodology is one of the most lightweight and flexible approaches to develop software. Moreover, it is made up of severalagileprocesses, includingClear, Crystal Yellow, Crystal Orange, and other uniquely characterized methods. To conclude, the Crystal family focuses on the realization that ...
Scrum, XP(Extreme Programming) and Crystal Methods are family of agile methods. Each of them have unique characteristics. This article provide an overview of the agile methods including their common and unique properties and the differences between the methods, the process, scope of use and ...
Isovanillin is a class of benzaldehyde that belongs to the 4-methoxybenzaldehyde family and has a hydroxy group at position 3 as a substitution. It is an aldehyde oxidase inhibitor, a plant metabolite, an antidiarrheal, an antifungal, an inhibitor of the HIV protease, and an animal metabolite....