Crysis Remastered Trilogy incluye:Crysis Remastered:Lo que comienza como una simple misión de rescate se transforma en un campo de batalla cuando los invasores alienígenas invaden un archipiélago norcoreano. Jugando como un supersoldado Nómada, estás armado con un potente nanotraje equipado con ...
《末日之戰》重制三部曲包含傳奇第一人稱射擊《末日之戰》、《末日之戰 2》和《末日之戰 3》的單人遊戲內容,全部遊戲內容皆針對現在的硬體進行過最佳化。透過這款物超所值的套裝遊戲重溫冒險之旅。
Take a look atCrysis Remastered Trilogy Out now Experience the stunning gameplay optimized for next-gen consoles. Features What's newand how they perform on Created by potrace 1.12, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2015image/svg+xmlX Box One logo ...
孤岛危机2 重制版/Crysis 2 Remastered 所有收集品与章节限定杯(纪念品、狗牌、车钥匙、电子邮件、测速摄像头地点) 5万 4 1:33 App 高质量FPS手游就此诞生?手机上的【CS:GO】最佳方案! 13.7万 195 9:01 App 2021必玩!8款Steam特别好评的横版动作游戏 1.8万 19 28:14 App 机能吃得消?switch孤岛危机3...
Crysis Remastered Trilogy includes each of the single-player campaigns from the legendary first-person shooters Crysis, Crysis 2, and Crysis 3, optimized for Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S. Relive the adventure in this great value all-in-one bundle.
強烈暴力,強烈語言 藝廊 此內容已遭鎖定 描述 Crysis Remastered Trilogy includes: Crysis Remastered: What begins as a simple rescue mission becomes the battleground of a new war as alien invaders swarm over a chain of North Korean islands. Playing as super-soldier Prophet, you are armed with a ...
Crysis Remastered Trilogy包含了传奇第一人称射击游戏《孤岛危机》、《孤岛危机2》和《孤岛危机3》的全部单人战役,并且针对当今的硬件进行了优化。 在这个超值捆绑包里再次冒险。...
Buy Crysis Remastered Trilogy and shop other great Nintendo products online at the official My Nintendo Store.
英文名称:Crysis Remastered Trilogy 游戏类型:第一人称射击 (FPS) 游戏 游戏制作:Crytek Studios 游戏发行:Electronic Arts 游戏平台:PC 发售时间:2022年11月12日 官方网站: 游戏特色 适应生存 史诗般的故事让玩家深入不断变化的游戏世界,迫使他们改变战术及应对策略来征服战场,战场环境变化多...
Crysis Remastered TrilogyDiscussion in 'Games, Gaming & Game-demos' started by Horus-Anhur, May 21, 2021. Page 14 of 16 < Prev 1 ← 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next > PowerK Master Guru Messages: 722 Likes Received: 330 GPU: RTX 4090 FE Undying said: ↑ I would argue its better going...