游戏名称:孤岛危机2:极限版 英文名称:Crysis 2: Maximum Edition 游戏类型:第一人称射击类(FPS)游戏...
A couple of days ago, Electronic Arts has revealed the contents of Crysis 2 Maximum Edition and nobody took notice about it. According to the publisher, this edition will feature 4 Limited Edition unlocks, as well as both the Retaliation and Decimation packs. Not only that, but this edition...
异形在纽约展开肆虐,只有你拥有科技得以生还。根据形势利用第二代纳米服的能力,隐身,装甲以及力量。使用普通士兵梦寐以求的方式解决异形的威胁。Crysis 2 借由钢铁丛林纽约重新定义了主机以及 PC 平台的视觉标准。化身终极武器。 包含4 件限量版解锁物品:
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition PC includes: 4 Limited Edition unlocks. Retaliation and Decimation packs. The top 3 reasons to play Crysis 2 Maximum Edition PC Adapt in real time using the unique Nanosuit 2 Stealth, Armor and Power abilities. ...
购买Crysis 2 - Maximum Edition ¥ 138.00 添加至购物车 关于这款游戏 异形在纽约展开肆虐,只有你拥有科技得以生还。根据形势利用第二代纳米服的能力,隐身,装甲以及力量。使用普通士兵梦寐以求的方式解决异形的威胁。 Crysis 2 借由钢铁丛林纽约重新定义了主机以及 PC 平台的视觉标准。 化身终极武器。 包含4 件...
求Crysis 2 Maximum Edition正版下载地址 只看楼主收藏回复 二二得一一 avFPS:03 1 steam下载太慢了,后来来到此吧,居然发现没有下载地址,故无耻伸手 送TA礼物 1楼2013-10-12 22:26回复 吟游诗人27 avFPS:52 11 改host 2楼2013-10-13 01:51 回复 ...
名称:Crysis® Maximum Edition 类型:动作 开发商:Crytek 发行商:Electronic Arts 语言:英语, 法语, 德语, 西班牙语 - 西班牙, 意大利语, 捷克语, 波兰语, 俄语, 匈牙利语 阅读相关新闻 单人 家庭共享 第三方 DRM : 此礼包中的一个或多个产品可能使用了第三方 DRM SecuROM™。
2 weeks ago Tinker Steps:Switch to experimental Performance:Slight Performance Problems Every now and then it hitches, I wouldn't even call it stutter. I don't find it annoying to the point of not wanting to play the game. Proton Experimental Distro:Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Kernel:6.8.0-40-generi...
《Crysis 2: Maximum Edition(孤岛危机2:极限版)》PC数字游戏24元什么值得买甄选出STEAM优惠促销商品,包括报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
Steam are having a sale onCrysis Maximum Edition, and i've bought the game. and it said with a box asking me to 'Enter [my] registration code'. A 20-character code was already in the box, so I pressed 'done', only for it to reappear moments later. and when i tried it for...