They enlarge into trophozoite forms and divide to form type I meronts, which mature and rupture to release the motile merozoites. The merozoites bind to receptors on the epithelial cells and are engulfed by the cells. They then either repeat the process of merogony or undergo sexual ...
During the invasion, sporozoites curved dramatically along their longitudinal axis into a C-shape over the course of 2 min, parasites then relaxed into a straight form, which contracted into the rounded trophozoite over 6 additional min (Figures 1D and 1E; Video S2). Figure 1E shows the ...
parvum sporozoites is a necessary step for their intracellular development into trophozoite-, meront-, and gamont stages. It is plausible to propose that suicidal METosis may serve as a significant defense mechanism in vivo, similar to the reported defense mechanism of suicidal NETosis against ...