The aim of the present study was to calculate the prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection in dogs in Osaka city, Japan, and to characterize the isolates molecularly. The prevalence was determined to be 9.3% (13/140) by PCR. All isolates were found to be Cryptosporidium canis (previously known...
sp. (Apicomplexa: Cryptosporidiidae) in cattle (Bos taurus). J Parasitol 91:624–629 PubMed Google Scholar Fayer R, Trout JM, Xiao L, Morgan UM, Lai AA, Dubey JP (2001)Cryptosporidium canisn. sp. from domestic dogs. J Parasi-tol 87:1415–1422 CAS Google Scholar Fayer R, Ungar...
P., 2001, Cryptosporidium canis n. sp. from domestic dogs, J. Parasitol. 87:1415–1422. CAS Google Scholar Fayer, R., Trout, J. M., Lewis, E. J., Xiao, L., Lal, A., Jenkins, M. C., and Graczyk, T. K., 2002, Temporal variability of Cryptosporidium in the Chesapeake ...
Many other species were named or suggested in the following decades based on presumed host specificity, including Giardia microti in voles, Giardia enterica in humans, Giardia equi in horses, Giardia bovis in cattle, Giardia canis in dogs, Giardia cati and Giardia felis in cats, Giardia ardeae...
Intra- and interbreed genetic variations of mitochondrial DNA major non-coding regions in Japanese native dog breeds [Canis familiaris) SummaryMitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) major non-coding regions were amplified from 73 dogs of eight Japanese native dog breeds and from 21 dogs of 16 non-Japane... ...
Cryptosporidium is a genus of apicomplexan protozoans that infect humans and other animal hosts,and frequently cause enteritis and associated diarrhoea [1].Most infections of humans are attributed to C.hominis and C.parvum ,but C.canis ,C.felis and C.meleagridis ,which usually infect dogs,...
CryptosporidiumandGiardiaspecies reported in humans in Africa Genotyping ofCryptosporidiumspecies in Africa have identified at least 13 species and genotypes in humans includingC. hominis,C. parvum,C. meleagridis, C. ubiquitum,C. viatorum,C. andersoni,C. bovis,C. canis,C. cuniculus,C. felis...
in 7.1% and 14.3% of the isolates, respectively. A total of five additional isolates (17.9%) were identified as assemblage B. ThreeCryptosporidiumspecies includingC. hominis(70%),C. parvum(20%) andC. canis(10%) were found circulating in the children population under study. A total of 75...
canis is the most common species in dogs, C. muris, C. meleagridis, and C. parvum have also been detected. Among these species, C. parvum is recognized as a zoonotic species infecting a wide range of mammals. In this study, DNA sequencing of nested PCR positive sampl...
Cryptosporidium canis and C. felis were the only Cryptosporidium species found in dogs and cats, respectively. Enterocytozoon bieneusi genotype PtEb IX was the dominant genotype in dogs, whereas Type IV and D were the most common ones in cats. Multi-locus sequence typing at the glutamate ...