The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) had normal protein, glucose and chloride levels; yeasts were observed on Gram stain from the CSF and skin scraping. The India ink stain and Cryptococcus neoformans latex agglutination test on the CSF were both positive. Bacterial culture of the skin biopsy, CSF and...
Gram stain of aspirate from facial lesion in A. revealed budding yeasts (C neoformans). C. Progressive disseminated histoplasmosis in Colombian male with multiple facial papules, some showing ulceration Disseminated talaromycosis in a Vietnamese male presenting with 1 month of fever, fatigue, and ...
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) had normal protein, glucose and chloride levels; yeasts were observed on Gram stain from the CSF and skin scraping. The India ink stain and Cryptococcus neoformans latex agglutination test on the CSF were both positive. Bacterial culture of the skin biopsy, CSF and...
The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) had normal protein, glucose and chloride levels; yeasts were observed on Gram stain from the CSF and skin scraping. The India ink stain and Cryptococcus neoformans latex agglutination test on the CSF were both positive. Bacterial culture of the skin biopsy, CSF and...