Cryptocat支持文字聊天、发送表情、发送文件、录制视频并发送。 对于别人发来的视频可以全屏观看,也可以鼠标右键点击视频,然后选择Save to Disk来保存视频。 聊天记录 由于Cryptocat被称为最安全的聊天工具,所以聊天记录是不可能保留的,当你关闭和好友的聊天窗口时会自动清空聊天记录。
最安全的聊天工具——Cryptocat 最安全的聊天⼯具——Cryptocat # 关于Cryptocat Cryptocat 是啥?Cryptocat,俗称 “加密猫”,是⼀款⾮常注重安全的聊天软件。美国前中情局员⼯斯诺登在躲避美国政府追捕过程中,就是使⽤ Cryptocat 与记者联系。Cryptocat 加密猫⼀举成名。当然,Cryptocat 加密猫并⾮浪得虚名,...
Nadim Kobeissi 正在 Kickstarter 上為 Cryptocat: Private Instant Messaging for Everyone 籌款! For the past three years, Cryptocat has been offering encrypted chat and file transfer for everyone, for free. Help support its future!
CryptoCat不仅适用于即时通讯,其加密技术也适用于源代码的加密传输。对于需要在网络中安全传输源代码的场景,CryptoCat提供了一个可靠的选择,确保源代码在传输过程中不被窃取或篡改。 通过以上介绍,可以看出CryptoCat是一款功能强大、安全可靠的即时通讯工具,适用于多种场景,尤其适合对隐私和安全性有高要求的用户。
Cryptocat是一个即时通讯平台,可以让你轻松地与朋友拥有的私人对话。讯息在离开你的屏幕画面前进行加密及保护,好让防止任何第三者查看,包括服务商。 Cryptocat是建于开源上的免费软件。我们的开发过程是由公众志愿者和爱好者进行持续的检测。了解更多 Cryptocat的项目。
Cryptocat is an Open-Source experiment - the goal is to provide the easiest, most accessible way to chat while maintaining your privacy online, because we believe in Internet privacy. There are separate plugin downloads for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox: see the Related Links section below. ...
the irrelevant gender-bias accusations at the beginning of Singal’s piece, I thought he was making a rather nuanced point that has been missed by much of the attending discussion: absent a realistic threat model, there can be no serious discussion of the security of a system like Cryptocat....
Cryptocat, an open source encrypted web-based chat client, is now available for iOS Devices on from the Apple's App store.
Cryptocat is developed by privacy advocates, for privacy advocates. Big Data providers continue to amass gigantic amounts of personal information without providing any guarantee of privacy, while encryption remains largely inaccessible. This means that a lot of what you do online is not within your ...
Finally, Cryptocat solves the half of the Privacy related problem by offering end-to-end encryption between the Facebook users over Chat. Cryptocat application uses the Facebook account APIs to work. If two individuals are using Cryptocat for chatting, Facebook will only know who is talking to...