(silencieuse / cachée) - Cacher le mineur dans un autre processus comme conhost.exe, explorer.exe, svchost.exe et autres Inactif : peut être configuré pour miner à différentes utilisations du CPU et du GPU, ou pas du tout, lorsque l’ordinateur est ou n’est pas utilisé. Furti...
Screenshot for Crypto App Top Downloads In Cryptocurrency BFGMiner 5.5.0[ 2018-03-18 11:41:46 | 2.47 MB | Open Source | 11|10|8|7 | 5 ] BFGMiner is a modular ASIC/FPGA miner written in C, featuring dynamic clocking, monitoring, and remote interface capabilities. ...
zlib (for curl/ssl) Download Windows releases: https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi/releases Git tree: https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi Clone with git clone https://github.com/tpruvot/cpuminer-multi Build Basic *nix build instructions: just use ./build.sh OR ./autogen....
Now as for how to prevent buying garbage on eBay, you pretty much need to avoid GPU's at "too good to be true" prices, because I guarantee those are re-marked. Ask to get the serial number and look it up on the manufacturer's site to see if it has warranty on it. No warrant...
Visit the Miner page to find out more. CryptoGoblin details CryptoGoblin is a greedy mining goblin that will push the cpu to get as many hashes as possible, if you believe in cpu-rights, then this might not be the mining tool for you.CryptoGoblin was forked from xmr-stak in early ...
in Windows 10 Drivers and Hardware Crypto Miners: So, I have really wanted Discord Nitro for a while now, and I saw that a crypto miner has partnered with discord and has been sponsored by many large creators, I live in my parents house so electricity isn't a problem, but is it wor...
Realtime inputs for adjusting intensity and refreshing screen! Hung GPU detection Memory junction temperature monitoring Remote management of all mining rigs on your network through the beautiful BzMiner HTTP GUI! Fast Cuda v11 and OpenCL miner (optimization on some cards pending) ...
A Crypto Miner for your Website coinhive为Monero区块链提供了一种JavaScript的miner,如果你还不知道Monero区块,我先来为你解释一下,很久之前在社区中大名鼎鼎的跨站攻击注入代码来挖矿说的就是这个,“门罗币”。而我们今天要教你的就是利用coinhive来挖矿,本教程不会教授你如何进行跨站攻击去注入脚本,或者进行一些...
Windows Type Nvidia AMD TEAMREDMINER v 0.10.21 System msOS Windows Type AMD Some coins that can be mined with cpuminer-opt # Name Algorithm Price Market cap 1 ABS Lyra2REv2 $0.000 $0.000 2 ACMActinium Lyra2z $0.001 $48,722.000
MSI has recently announced two new CMP (Cryptocurrency Mining Processor) 30HX MINER Series cards the MSI CMP 30HX MINER, and MSI CMP 30HX MINER XS. These new cards borrow the coolers from the ARMOR series and VENTUS XS respectively, MSI is one of the first manufacturers to offer multiple ...