这是ChaCha20(Bernstein的版本)如何加密数据的一个例子: import json from base64 import b64encode from Crypto.Cipher import ChaCha20 from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes plaintext = b'Attack at dawn' key = get_random_bytes(32) cipher = ChaCha20.new(key=key) ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(...
cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key); byte[] decryptBytes = cipher.doFinal(encrypted); String message = new String(decryptBytes); System.out.println(message); // Hello World. } @Test public void encrypt() throws NoSuchPaddingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException, BadPaddingExce...
cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm); // 用密钥加密明文(plainText),生成密文(cipherText) cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key); // 操作模式为加密(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE),key为密钥 cipherText = cipher.doFinal(plainText.getBytes()); // 得到加密后的字节数组 // String str = new String(cipherT...
This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Javax.Crypto.CipherMode enum directly instead of this field. Constant used to initialize cipher to encryption mode. C# [Android.Runtime.Register("ENCRYPT_MODE")] [System.Obsolete("This constant will be removed in the future version. Use...
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB,str) msg = cipher.encrypt(pad(str)) msg = base64.encodestring(msg) return msg #解密 def decrypt(enStr, key): unpad =lambdas: s[0:-ord(s[-1])] cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB)
cipher_text = base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(bytes(message.encode("utf8"))) return cipher_text 3、解密 通过私钥对加密文本进行解密。 def deEncrypt_withPrivateKey(message, private): if isinstance(private, str): if os.path.exists(private): key...
A cipher object is stateful: once you have encrypted a message , you cannot encrypt (or decrypt) another message using the same object. 解决方法就是重新new一个对象用来处理解密 fromCrypto.CipherimportAESfromCrypto.Util.PaddingimportpadfromCrypto.Util.Paddingimportunpadkey=b'1234567890123456'cipher=AES...
40 cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, rsaPublicKey) 41 42 val enContent = Base64.encodeBase64String(cipher.doFinal(content.getBytes("UTF-8"))) 43 44 return enContent 45 } 46 47 /** 48 * 私钥解密 49 */ 50 def rsaDecrypt(content : String, privateKey : String): String ={ ...
从Crypto.Cipher 中导入 PKCS1_v1_5 ,导入时记得重命名一下,如 PKCS1_cipher ,因为在 Crypto 的另一个模块 Crypto.Signature 中也有同名的类 PKCS1_v1_5 ,同时使用时不重命名会造成冲突。导入后,实例化一个加密对象 cipher ,传入的参数是公钥,通过 cipher 的 encrypt() 方法对信息进行加密。
iv);returncrypto_ablkcipher_encrypt(subreq); } 开发者ID:03199618,项目名称:linux,代码行数:27,代码来源:ctr.c 示例2: crypto_gcm_encrypt ▲点赞 7▼ staticintcrypto_gcm_encrypt(struct aead_request *req){structcrypto_gcm_req_priv_ctx*pctx=crypto_gcm_reqctx(req);structablkcipher_request*abreq...