BOOL WINAPI CryptHashData( HCRYPTHASH hHash, BYTE* pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags ); ParametershHash [in] HCRYPTHASH handle to the hash object created by calling the CryptCreateHash function.pbData [in] Pointer to a buffer containing the data to be hashed.dwDataLen [in] Specifies ...
在调用此函数之前,必须调用CryptCreateHash来创建哈希对象的句柄。 语法 C++ BOOLCryptHashData( [in] HCRYPTHASH hHash, [in]constBYTE *pbData, [in] DWORD dwDataLen, [in] DWORD dwFlags ); 参数 [in] hHash 哈希对象的句柄。 [in] pbData
项目 2015/11/18 本文内容 Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Code 显示另外 2 个 A version of this page is also available for Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 4/8/2010 This function adds data to a specified hash object. This function and theCryptHashSessionKeyfunction can be called multiple tim...
共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 列印 發行項 2015/11/18 本文內容 Syntax Parameters Return Value Example Code 顯示其他 2 個 A version of this page is also available for Windows Embedded CE 6.0 R3 4/8/2010 This function adds data to a specified hash object. This function and theCryp...
BOOL WINAPI CryptHashData( HCRYPTHASH hHash, BYTE* pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags ); ParametershHash [in] HCRYPTHASH handle to the hash object created by calling the CryptCreateHash function.pbData [in] Pointer to a buffer containing the data to be hashed.dwDataLen [in] Specifies ...
在调用此函数之前,必须调用CryptCreateHash来创建哈希对象的句柄。 语法 C++ BOOLCryptHashData( [in] HCRYPTHASH hHash, [in]constBYTE *pbData, [in] DWORD dwDataLen, [in] DWORD dwFlags ); 参数 [in] hHash 哈希对象的句柄。 [in] pbData
问CryptHashData返回ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (CAPI)EN我的目标很简单,就是对密码进行哈希处理,并从中...
BOOL WINAPI CryptHashData( HCRYPTHASH hHash, BYTE* pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, DWORD dwFlags ); ParametershHash [in] HCRYPTHASH handle to the hash object created by calling the CryptCreateHash function.pbData [in] Pointer to a buffer containing the data to be hashed.dwDataLen [in] Specifies ...
在调用此函数之前,必须调用CryptCreateHash来创建哈希对象的句柄。 语法 C++ BOOLCryptHashData( [in] HCRYPTHASH hHash, [in]constBYTE *pbData, [in] DWORD dwDataLen, [in] DWORD dwFlags ); 参数 [in] hHash 哈希对象的句柄。 [in] pbData
Parameters hHash [in]HCRYPTHASHhandle to the hash object created by calling theCryptCreateHashfunction. pbData [in] Pointer to a buffer containing the data to be hashed. dwDataLen [in] Specifies the number of bytes of data to be hashed. This value must be zero if the CRYPT_USERDATA flag...