3D Variability Display now includes an option to create intermediate reconstructions with equal numbers of particles in each frame. The job now also allows up to 100 input components instead of 20.Update 2D Classification now has an option to set a minimum alignment resolution that provides the ...
Local (per-particle) motion correction:Rubinstein, J.L. & Brubaker, M.A. Alignment of cryo-EM movies of individual particles by optimization of image translations. Journal of Structural Biology 192 (2), 188-195 (2015). Non-uniform refinement:Punjani, A., Zhang, H. & Fleet, D.J. Non-...
Furthermore, SGD with Bayesian marginalization allows ab initio 3D classification, enabling automated analysis and discovery of unexpected structures without bias from a reference map. These algorithms are combined in a user-friendly computer program named cryoSPARC (http://www.cryosparc.com)....
acquisition and make modifications in real time if necessary, whether it is a sample problem (e.g. ice thickness) or an issue with the alignment of the microscope. We are looking forward to extend the use to the core facility users allowing them to get real time feedback on their runs....
CryoSPARC is the state-of-the-art platform used globally for obtaining 3D structural information from single particle cryo-EM data. The cryoSPARC platform enables automated, high quality and high-throughput structure discovery of proteins, viruses and m