With tensions and stakes high as Starfleet continues in their efforts to end the war with the Klingons, Burnham begins to settle into her new position aboard the USS Discovery. Michael Burnham has synthesized her new uniform on the USS Discovery, now wit
Performance:Slight Performance Problems framerate is about half of what would be expected. I was able to get it running at 60FPS max settings at one point but after a reinstall, I can't anymore Proton5.13-6 Distro:Linux Mint 20 Kernel:5.4.0-144-generic RAM:16 GB GPU Driver:NVIDIA 470.1...
This bug was not present in proton-ge build, but as I switched back to wine for authentication to work, I've found that there are two options that fix this issue. One is simply to use virtual desktop, the other is using latency-fix in bottles. I don't know what is it exactly out...
The toxin genes were all restricted to evolved clones of the BT-679 background (i.e., horizontal transfer was not detected). The top two rows refer to the coevolved, the middle two rows to one-sided adapted, and the bottom two rows to the control evolved replicate...
On the other side is the Column Layout. This one is best suited for CLIs that have multiple paths or are made up of multiple little tools each with their own arguments and options (think: git). It displays the primary paths along the left column, and their corresponding arguments in the...
but I remember typing it up on Microsoft Word in a rainbow-colored font, printing it out and bringing it to school to make all my friends listen to me sing it at recess. It was awful. I remember one person saying I’d probably never be a "real singer," but that they still liked ...
I want to update one property of an object inside ObservableCollection I would like to hide the button I'm not getting to resize my popup icon and text color in a swipeview IconImageSource from FontImageSource Image As Background Image Click event Image Crop along with a square box using ...