4、按动sel/reset按钮,中控屏会出现校准启动几秒后即可完成。 扩展内容: 1、胎压监测作用是在汽车行驶过程中对轮胎气压进行实时自动监测,并对轮胎漏气和低气压进行报警,以确保行车安全。 2、“TPMS”是汽车轮胎压力监测系统“Tire-Pressure-Monitoring-System”的英文缩写形式,也就是直接式轮胎压力监测系统。 举报/反...
以下是关于2019款本田CR-V胎压指示灯的消除步骤:首先,通过方向盘右下角的箭头按钮进入个性化设置,接着按下sel/reset按钮以进入胎压监测系统的校准模式。之后,再次按下sel/reset按钮和箭头按钮,直至中央控制面板上显示'校准2/2'。最后,再次按下sel/reset按钮,几秒钟后胎压校准将自动开始。 胎压监测是确保行车安全的...
The importance of tire pressure alarm devices can be seen. Click on the picture below to buy a tire pressure alarm device, connect a radio, and feedback your tire status in real time. About delivery: After submitting the order, we need to connect the product to a power test, then load...
3, Tire Pressure Monitoring: Automatically update tire pressure and temperature to ensure your driving safety; 4, OBD2: More accurate detection and repair of vehicle problems; 5, External Microphone: Support for connecting microphones with 3.5mm port; ...
It should be letting you know that you have a tire pressure problem. If you still have the owners manual read it. It will explain what to do, what to look for and how to reset the light if need be. Helpful0 Not Helpful ZJ Limited ...