Crusader Kings 3 Character CreatorCrusader Kings III’s Barbershop might not act as a full-on character creation kit, but nonetheless lets you change certain elements of your active character’s appearance.To access the Barbershop, you need only right-click on your character’s 3D portrait, then...
Welcome to another useful Crusader Kings III Guide. With this Guide, you'll be able to familiarise yourself with the useful practises of Faith Creation and Reformation, which let you decide the fate of your future Faith, including its Doctrines and three main Tenets. Through these practises, yo...
and aims to bring Feudal Japan into the Crusader Kings III engine. It is very much in Alpha, currently, so engage at your own risk. There is no setting more suited to the Crusader Kings concept (other than A Game of Thrones) than Sengoku-era ...
With the announcement of Royal Court and its sweeping changes to the culture systems in Crusader Kings III, and with our gargantuan exploration of the Far Haradwaith, this update has taken its sweet time under the southern sun to be released. Yet, with release there is now a great many lan...