In one game of Crusader Kings 2, my pudgy, brown-haired character and his pudgy, brown-haired wife had five children. Four were pudgy and brown-haired, but one was very thin and extremely blonde. Hey, it happens. But in Crusader Kings 3 there sure seem to be a whole heck of...
十字军之王3 英文名称:Crusader Kings III 游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏 游戏制作:Paradox Development Studio 游戏发行:Paradox Interactive 游戏平台:PC 发售时间:2020年9月1日 《十字军之王3(Crusader Kings III)》是P社著名系列《十字军之王》的最新作,该系列是中世纪背景的大型策略类RPG,在游戏中,你将会成为某...