Unlike it's soft form brethren with a warm flour tortilla, the Crunchy Taco has a crunchy corn body and a wicked haymaker coming through on the seasoned beef, lettuce and cheese. It’s the kind of taco that will bare‐knuckle‐box a roadside trucker. It knows how to live “off the ...
美国亚马逊 Taco Bell Taco Dinner Kit, Crunchy, 8.85 Ounce历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Taco Bell Taco Dinner Kit, Crunchy, 8.85 Ounce
(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7056dad80100wivv.html 科威特最近新开了家taco bell,看宣传单貌似很美味啊~于是迫不及待的去试吃了下,感觉和Friday比要差很多,毕竟价格差10倍呢~试吃的是crunchy corn taco脆玉米饼,Friday的是soft flour tortilla软玉米饼,看里面夹的东西都很简单,这个可以拿下,于是去超市...