Somali pirates hijack VLCC bound for US London-Somali pirates November 29 hijacked a US-bound VLCC in one of their most daring attacks on shipping to date, the vessel's owners and other shipping sources said November 30. The Greek-owned 300,300 deadweight Maran Centaurus was a... POPR Gro...
The 10,000-ton cruise ship, registered in the Bahamas, sustained minor damage, Good said. "They took some fire, but it's safe to sail," he said. Piracy along the Somalia coast is common — several ships a month are attacked or hijacked, with valuables stolen and crews held for ransom...
with virtual tours of its cruise ships. Loaded with blurred out pictures of guests, this panoramic sales pitch lets you check out activities like simulated surfing, zip lining, rock climbing and fine dining, all without the risk ofcontracting a mystery illnessor being hijacked by pirates. ...