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Crude oil futures contract specifications Exchange, SymbolNew York Mercantile Exchange, /CL Multiplier1,000 Barrels Minimum Tick Size and Value0.01 = $10.00 SettlementPhysical1 Trading HoursSunday 6 pm - Friday - 5 pm ET (5 pm - 4 pm CT) with a daily maintenance period from 5 pm - 6 pm...
Crude oil trading reminder 沉睡的白羊 On Thursday, as the market expected that the production platform closed before the hurricane swept across the Gulf of Mexico and Louisiana would resume work quickly, the oil price dropped, while the US gasoline jumped lower on Friday and fell to a low of...
Trading--Inverse Commodities 發行商 ProShares 相關指數 Bloomberg Cmdt Bal WTI Crd Oil TR USD 上市日期 2008/11/24 最近派息 內容 除淨日 派息日期 即時串流報價: 過往表現 時期波幅升跌(%)2 1個月14.630 - 16.850 2個月14.630 - 19.020 3個月14.630 - 19.260 ...
Nigerian Oil Services is Nigerias premier independent intermediary petroleum trading company. Supplying light crude oil to refineries worldwide and finished petroleum products such as diesel fuel, kerosene, jet fuel and gasoline for Nigerias growing econ
Oil Price Charts Oilprice.com, in cooperation with its partners, offers over 150 crude oil blends and indexes from all around the world, providing users with oil price charts, comparison tools and smart analytical features. Futures & IndexesLastChange% ChangeLast Updated...
Crude oil trading is a high-stakes endeavor that has captivated traders, investors, and speculators for decades. As one of the most important commodities globally, crude oil offers immense profit potential. However, navigating the complex world of oil trading requires more than just intuition; it ...
Crude oil prices & gas price charts. Oil price charts for Brent Crude, WTI & oil futures. Energy news covering oil, petroleum, natural gas and investment advice
WTI Crude Oil(NYMEX) TFC Commodity Charts Contract Specifications:CL,NYMEX Trading Unit:1,000 U.S. barrels (42,000 gallons) Tick Size:$0.01 (1c) per barrel ($10 per contract) Quoted Units:US $ per barrel Initial Margin:$9,788Maint Margin:$7,250 ...
CL.1 | A complete Crude Oil WTI (NYM $/bbl) Front Month futures overview by MarketWatch. View the futures and commodity market news, futures pricing and futures trading.