1) crude oil-contaminated soil 原油污染土壤 1. Remediation ofcrude oil-contaminated soilby bioventing and composting technology 生物通风堆肥法修复原油污染土壤的实验研究 更多例句>> 2) soil polluted by oil 土壤油污染 3) soil contaminated by crude oil ...
生物通风堆肥原油污染土壤生物降解修复Bioventing and microbial composting were used in the laboratory to simulate the remediation of crude oil-contaminated soil collected from the Jilin oil field.The contaminant removal paths and mechanism are discussed.The results showed that both of these methods were ...
Characterization of Hydrocarbon-Degrading Microorganisms Isolated from Crude Oil Contaminated Soil and Remediation of the Soil by Enhanced Natural Attenuation. Res. J. Microbiol. 2007;2(1):149-55.Onifade, A.K. and Abubakar, F.A. (2007) Characterization of Hydrocarbon-Degrading Microorganisms Isolated...
Xu J, Deng H, Huang T, Song S (2014) Enhanced biodegradation of crude oil in contaminated soil by inoculation of hydrocarbon- degraders. Desalination Water Treat 52:5126-5135Xu, J.; Deng, H.; Huang, T.; Song, S. Enhanced biodegradation of crude oil in contaminated soil by inoculation ...
s0ileveliwithrelativelylow—dose.With0.1wt.%CF,thesoilcouldbeheatedtoapproximately700。Cwithin4rainusing800W0f microwaveirradiation.Correspondingly.thecontaminatedsoilcouldbehighlycleanedupinashorttime.Investigationofoilrecovery showedthat.duringtheremediationprocess.oilcontaminantirlthesoilcouldbeeficientlyrecoveredwi...
2) crude oil contamination 原油污染物3) crude oil-contaminated soil 原油污染土壤 1. Remediation of crude oil-contaminated soil by bioventing and composting technology 生物通风堆肥法修复原油污染土壤的实验研究 更多例句>> 4) pollution reason 污染原因 例句>> ...
O. C. (2012), "Hydrocarbon stress response of four tropical plants in weathered crude oil contaminated soil in microcosms", International Journal of Environmental Studies, vol. 69, no. 3, pp. 490 - 500.Adieze, I.E., Orji, J.C., Nwabueze, R.N., Onyeze, G.O.C., 2012. ...
bearingvaluesasthecrudeoilcontentincreased.Theresultofthenullhypothesisestablishedastrongandsignificantrelationship betweenthebearingcapacityofcrudeoilcontaminatedsoilandthepercentagecontamination. Keywords:Bearingcapacity,contaminatedsoil,crudeoil,percentagecontamination 1.Intr0ducti0n Sinceoil explorationand exploitation ac...
The concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons in the marsh soil near the oil wells are significantly higher than those in the adjacent control marsh. Soil water contents in oil-contaminated marshes are negatively correlated with soil temperature and are significantly lower than those in the ...
The advantage of rapid,selective and simultaneous heating of microwave heating technology was taken to remediate the crude oil-contaminated soil rapidly and to recover the oil contaminant efficiently.The contaminated soil was processed in the microwave field with addition of granular activated carbon(GAC...