解析 先分析意思和种类petrol是指汽油oil意指所有的油 包括石油,食用油petroleum 意思通常指海床开采的石油 用于英式英文多crude意思也是原油,通常指未加工的天然开采的物质 尤其指石油(含大量杂质)而且通常用于美式英语纯度petrol最高 crude和petroleum最低
解答一 举报 先分析意思和种类petrol是指汽油oil意指所有的油 包括石油,食用油petroleum 意思通常指海床开采的石油 用于英式英文多crude意思也是原油,通常指未加工的天然开采的物质 尤其指石油(含大量杂质)而且通常用于美式英语纯度petrol最高 crude和petroleum最低 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
petroleum 是石油 crude oil 是原油 fuel 是燃料,船舶常用作燃油。
追答:是的 但是crude意思原来泛指未加工的天然开采的物质 但一般形容石油 后面需要通常加oil crude oil=原油 petroleum 意思是指海床或地球表面开采出来的原油,这个就是专指石油了。 综上所述 两者确实差别不太大 希望能帮到你 同时 请采纳 00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 2023petroleum_主编收稿_保正刊_1-2...
Trading crude oil and petroleum products around the world With offices in Asia and Europe, our trading activities take us continent to continent, where we safely move physical commodities from where they are sought to where they are needed. ...
Recycling Actification of the Obsolete Petroleum Products; 废弃石油产品的循环再生 2. Progress in solvent denitrogeneration of petroleum products; 石油产品溶剂脱氮研究进展 3. The bromine value of petroleum products was determined by potential titration in mixed solvents of glacial acetic acid,trichlor...
Petroleum is an old name of crude oil as consists of two Latin words: petra (rock or stone) + oleum (oil). Etymology of petroleum products and their use in mankind history is described. Interesting facts in use of naphtha, gasoline, history of anti-knock additives to gasoline, kerosene, ...
Petroleum, consisting of crude oil(原油) and natural gas, seems to originate from organic matter in marine sediment(海洋沉淀物).Tiny organisms settle to the seafloor and gather in marine mud. The organic matter may partially break down, using up the dissolved oxygen in the sediment. As soon ...
Daqing crude oil 大庆原油 相似单词 crude(oil)unit 原油蒸馏装置 crude oil n.原油 crude adj. 1.粗略的,简略的,大概的 2.粗糙的,粗制的 3.冒犯的,粗俗的,粗鲁的 4.(油和其他自然物质)天然的,自然的 n.[U] 原油,石油 petroleum n.[U] 石油 oil n.[C] 1.油 2.润滑油 3.石油;燃料油...
石油(Petroleum):指气态、液态和固态的烃类混合物,具有天然产状。 原油(Crude Oil):石油的基本类型之一,储存于地下储层中,常压下呈液态,其中也包括一些液态非烃类组分。 别人说的是石油,你说的是原油,价格区别大,知道石油和原油的区别了吧?