1. Abigail was dismissed from her job when Elizabeth discovered her affair with John. 2. Abby tells Proctor that they were merely dancing and that there was no witchcraft involved. 3. Proctor has put the affair behind him and no longer welcomes Abby’s advances. 4. Betty cries out when s...
(Act I Questions) Elizabeth Proctor won't sit next to Abigail in church because she did something very bad. What reason does Abigail give as to why the Proctors dismissed her? (Act I Questions) Abigail claims that the proctors were working her too hard, as if she was a slave. What ...
Why did the Salem settlement need a theocracy? 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 The Puritans chose a theocracy to maintain unity in their settlements. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 6 建立者 HenrikBeatle100 The Act 1 questions 學生們也學習了 教科書解答 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 Elementary Statistics: A Step by...
百老汇音乐剧《威尔.罗杰斯的生平》第一幕 人声与钢琴总谱 Broadway-Coleman - The Will Rogers Follies (1993)-Act I 乐谱 热度: TheCrucible–ActI StudyQuestions:Answereachfully(sometimesinsentences,sometimestheanswerisjustawordortwo). ActI 1.WhatwasSamuelParris’sattitudetowardchildren?
the crucible act onefew question in act 1 how was Thomas Putnam antagonized by minister Burroughs? what is several reasons why the Putnam's resented the nurses? explain the conflict between proctor and reverend parris ? I need to know this fast!!
< Previous Section: Summary and Analysis by ActNext Section: Act Two > Essays About The Crucible THE CRUCIBLE ...Maria Blanco TheCrucibleEssay Draft Fear and loathing can overpower all... 2 PagesMarch 2014 The Crucible ...TheCrucibleActFour Questions Short Response Answer the... ...
Use the practice questions on this printable worksheet and interactive quiz as a self-assessment tool to measure your understanding of how...
The Crucible Act 1 Activities The Crucible Act 3 Activities The Crucible Act 2 Activities The Crucible Lesson Plan The Crucible Act 4 Questions The Crucible Project Ideas The Crucible Essay Prompts The Crucible Discussion Questions The Crucible Comprehension Questions The Crucible Writing Prompts The Cru...
Act IV: Tragic Resolution Salem descends into chaos, with many jailed and awaiting execution. Abigail, fearing rebellion, steals money from Parris and flees. Reverend Hale, now guilt-ridden, urges the accused to confess falsely to save their lives. John Proctor struggles with his decision, torn...
Crucible Questions TheCrucibleDiscussionQuestionsACTONE 1.) The irony in this statement is purely the fact that the very corruption that the church was trying to avoid is exactly what is became overcome with. The wrong and deceitful lies that the church wanted to evade became the basis for many...