CRT是Corneal Refractive therapy的英文缩写,字面意义是角膜屈光治疗,VST的全称是vision shaping treatment,解释为视觉重塑治疗。只从英文翻译上看好像也没什么明显不同,其实CRT是一个专有名词,是美国paragon公司拥有的专利技术,所以其他品牌的ok镜只能避开这种设计方式,继而统称为VST设计了。 (此图为效果示意图,真实镜片...
The CRT is conveyed over a treatment track and during its passage its passage it is exposed to a heating medium and its inside is treated by a rinsing gas. The CRT is conveyed in horizontal, or inclined position and rotated.The heating medium flows across the CRT from one side. Prior ...
有幸获得依视路CRT的一个月试用权,小激动之下,经过几次不懈尝试后,终于可以出尝鲜报告了。 角膜塑形镜的设计分为:VST设计(vision shaping treatment 视觉重塑治疗),是BOSTON公司的设计专利;CRT设计(corneal refractive therapy 角膜屈光矫治),是PARAGON公司的设...
角膜塑形镜的设计分为:VST设计(vision shaping treatment 视觉重塑治疗),是BOSTON公司的设计专利;CRT设计(corneal refractive therapy 角膜屈光矫治),是PARAGON公司的设计专利。目前中国使用的日本阿尔法,美国欧几里德,香港易安易,韩国露晰得,台湾亨泰,合肥梦戴维的角膜塑形镜都是VST设计。VST设计的角膜塑形镜参数主要包括...
Performance of Purpose-Built Versus Off-Label Transcatheter Devices for the Treatment of Aortic Regurgitation: The Purpose Study 治疗主动脉瓣反流的专用 vs. 超适应症经导管治疗装置的性能:Purpose研究 Multivalvular Heart Disease in...
Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment主要接受论著、综述以及评论类型的文章,涵盖方向如下: 版面费 杂志目前为OA开放获取模式,版面费要求如下:自2023年1月1日开始,版面费2500美元。 基本信息 期刊ISSN:1533-0346; 出版国家/地区:UNITED STATES; 出版商:SAGE Publications Inc.; ...
VST设计(全称:vision shaping treatment ,中文:视觉重塑治疗),是BOSTON公司的设计专利;CRT设计(全称:corneal refractive therapy,中文:角膜屈光矫治),是PARAGON公司的设计专利。因为所属的公司不一样,所以名字不一样,但在国内都翻译成角膜塑形。 下面我们来看下两者间的差别: ...
could offer solutions for several problems associated with reconstruction or mitigation of tidal marshes.We followed vegetation development at 3-month intervals during two years after implementation of the first pilot CRT treatment, which aimed to restore tidal freshwater marsh habitat in an agricultural ...
[29] Debourdeau P,Farge D,Beckers M,et al.International clinical practice guidelines for the treatment and prophylaxis of thrombosis associated with central venous catheters in patients with cancer[J].J Thromb Haemost,2013,11(1):71-80. ...