# $language = "Python3" # $interface = "1.0"crt.Screen.Synchronous=True# Send the same command over and over until the script is canceled;whileTrue: crt.Screen.Send("show ip interface brief\r")# Wait for 5 seconds before looping. Use WaitForString() # so that non-matching text will ...
1)Enterblackcrosshatchsignal(blackonwhiteback-less(formorethan2seconds). ground). 2)ApplythespecifiedvoltagetotheD912cathodeon theDboard,andcheckthathighvoltageis0.1kVor less. [Specification]:31.90+0.00/–0.05V 3-1 Downloadedfromwww.Mmanualssearchengine CPD-G500 SECTION4 ADJUSTMENTS Note:Handdegauss...
bad91d6708e9 hyperledger/fabric-tools:latest "/bin/bash" 3 seconds ago Up Less than a second cli fde805cdd9a9 hyperledger/fabric-orderer:latest "orderer" 16 seconds ago Up 5 seconds>7050/tcp orderer.example.com 6d65447fb84c hyperledger/fabric-peer:latest "peer node start...
2Pressthe/buttonstoadjustpicturebrightness. ...forlessbrightness ...formorebrightness ∗Thehorizontalandverticalfrequenciesforeachinputsignal The“BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST”OSDdisappears3secondsreceivedappearonthe“BRIGHTNESS/CONTRAST”OSD. afteryoureleasethebuttons. Toreset,presstheRESETbuttonwhiletheOSDison. 45 Downl...
(less clicking).'- Allow for protocol field to be defaulted, if not present in the'header line.'- Fix error messages relating to invalid header lines so they no'longer indicate Protocol is a required field. If it's not present'the Default Session's protocol value will be used.'- Allow...
Connected forsseconds,nbytes sent, 0 bytes received In this situation, SecureCRT/SecureFX/SFXCL was able to get successfully connected to at least send some initial data over the established connection. Typically, the number of bytes sent is equal to the SSH2 ident string that the product sen...
(Version 29.1.2) OA64402 23 January 2023 (Version 29.1.1) OA64046 15 October 2022 (Version 29.1.0) OA63846 Description Interval 5: 8:57 – 120 seconds Interval 6: 8:59 – 240 seconds Note that the last 15 minute interval has been split into 3 individual SMF70 intervals, due to a...
viewedmorethan15seconds. CH+/– Selectthenext(+)orprevious(–) channel. CC/SUBTITLE Changesthesubtitlesetting(page30). Hint •Thenumber5, andCH+buttonshavea tactiledots.Usethetactiledotsasreferences whenoperatingtheTV. 13US Type1:SecurednetworkwithWi-Fi ConnectionTVtotheInternetProtectedSetup™(...
When selecting a value for this parameter, the types of devices attached to the controller should be taken into account. Locally attached work stations should have a low value for this parameter (10 seconds or less). TopSSCP identifier (SSCPID) Specifies the system service control point identifi...
索尼1270Q CRT 投影仪设置和操作手册说明书 1981 Sony 1270Q Setup and Operation Manual Wes Hill February, 2002