Our 100 Gigabit family keeps expanding – you’ve already seen the incredible CCR2216 100 Gigabit router. Now it’s time for a matching switch – theCRS504-4XQ-IN. The small size combined with the low power consumption(25W without attachments!)is perfect to start expanding 100 Gigabit networ...
MikroTik CRS504-4XQ-IN 这个100gbe 的交换机怎么样?感觉体积很适合家用, 700刀价位也实惠。兼容10g...
Number of ports 4MikroTik CRS504-4XQ-IN Cloud Router Switch 650MHz 4xQSFP28 Compatible with 40G, 25G, 10G, and 1G Fiber Connections. 18Mikrotik netPower 16P CRS318-16P-2S OUT Condition NewMikroTik CRS504-4XQ-IN Cloud Router Switch 650MH...
CRS504-4XQ-IN | MikroTik Your most affordable, compact, energy-efficient doorway to the world of 100 Gigabit networking. This switch is the next step in upgrading existing 10 or 25 Gigabit networks. Multiple powering options, dual hot-swap power supplies. mikrotik.com A...
CRS504-4XQ-IN这款产品看着有点特别,最近MikroTik推出的交换机大多都是光口交换机,而且接口少,没有推出什么光电组合产品。国内交换机端口配置通常SFP/电口数量是8,16,24,48口,组合QSFP接口数量上是2,4,6,8方式配置,这次就推出一款4口的100G交换机,算不算奇葩?看看官方的宣传资料介绍: ...
MikroTik CRS504-4XQ-IN 这个100gbe 的交换机怎么样?感觉体积很适合家用, 700刀价位也实惠。兼容10g...