CRS309-1G-8S+INDesktop switch with one Gigabit Ethernet port and eight SFP+ 10Gbps ports The CRS309-1G-8S+ is a very compact, yet powerful networking switch. It has eight SFP+ slots, supporting up to 10 Gbit module in each, which results in a total switching capacity of 162 Gbps and...
CRS309-1G-8S+IN桌面交换机,带有一个千兆以太网端口和八个SFP+ 10Gbps端口. CRS309-1G-8S+是一款非常紧凑但功能强大的网络交换机。它有8个SFP +插槽,每个插槽最多支持10 Gbit模块,总交换容量为162 Gbps,总无阻塞吞吐量为81 Gbps。 该设备还具有双核800MHzCPU,512 MB RAM,带PoE电源输入的管理以太网端口,...
如果你和我一样采用接法(2), 一个更好的做法是在CRS309上为VLAN100虚接口配置两个地址, 分别对应猫...
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crs309打开l3hw 三层转发可以线速,同时支持nat硬件加速,但是不支持pppoe offload,pppoe还是需要cpu硬抗 ...
商品名称:惠利得定制MikroTik CRS309-1G-8S+IN 8口万兆SFP+ 1口千兆电口网管型 商品编号:10108168371221 店铺: 汉之驰家居专营店 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销售并发货的商品,由平台卖家提供发票和相应的售后服务。请您放心购买! 注:因厂家会在没有任何提前通知...
CRS309 上最少連 pc*2 + nas*3 全部行 10g 會唔會因為部 router 太弱而影響10g速度 ?via HKEPC ...
TheCRS309-1G-8S+has a total non-blocking throughput of 81 Gbps and a total switching capacity of 162 Gbps. TheCRS309-1G-8S+features 512 MB RAM, a dual-core 800 MHz CPU, RS232 serial port, Management Ethernet port with PoE power input, grounding terminal, and is capable of dual boot...
Buy MikroTik CRS309-1G-8S+IN. Price from 193.92 EUR. Worldwide delivery! Full description, specifications, reviews, extended warranty option. ☎ +371 60 000 888.
High-Speed Connectivity:With 8 SFP+ 10Gbps ports, the CRS309-1G-8S+IN offers a total switching capacity of 162 Gbps and non-blocking throughput of 81 Gbps. Customization Options:Customizable artwork, logo placement, and design services available to personalize your networking solution. Professional...