PRCR-1013 : Failed to start resource ora.<DG NAME>.dbPRCR-1064 : Failed to start resource ora.<DG NAME>.db on node <NODENAME>CRS-2800: Cannot start resource 'ora.<DG NAME>.dg' as it is already in the INTERMEDIATE state on server '<NODENAME>'...
[oracle@orcl1 trace]$ srvctl start instance -d orclst -i orclst1 PRCR-1013 : Failed to start resource ora.orclst.db PRCR-1064 : Failed to start resource ora.orclst.db on node orcl1 CRS-5017: The resource action "ora.orclst.db start" encountered the following error: ORA-01034: ...
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位于"/u01/app/gridbase/diag/crs/rac1/crs/trace/ohasd_oraagent_grid.trc") 2021-03-14 21:03:01.514 [ORAAGENT(32117)]CRS-5011: 检查资源 "ora.asm" 失败: 详细资料见 "(:CLSN00006:)" ( 位于"/u01/app/gridbase/diag/crs/rac1/crs/trace/ohasd_oraagent_grid.trc") 2021-03-14 21:03:18.16...
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later: Unable To Start Oracle Instance requested interface failed bind,PRCR-1013,CRS-5017,