Internet Download Manager(簡稱IDM)是美國Tonec Inc.公司擁有的下載管理器應用程序,僅適用於Microsoft Windows操作系統,於1998年開始互聯網下載管理器項目。 Internet Download Manager提升您的下載速度最多達3倍,安排下載時程或續傳一半的文件。續傳功能可以恢複因為斷網、網絡問題、計算機當機,甚至無預警的停電導致下載到...
网卡侧设置:windows侧一般在网卡的配置界面,可以直接选择速率。群晖则需要进ssh,sudo-i 获得root权限,...
Internet Download Manager(簡稱IDM)是美國Tonec Inc.公司擁有的下載管理器應用程序,僅適用於Microsoft Windows操作系統,於1998年開始互聯網下載管理器項目。 Internet Download Manager提升您的下載速度最多達3倍,安排下載時程或續傳一半的文件。續傳功能可以恢複因為斷網、網絡問題、計算機當機,甚至無預警的停電導致下載到...
Bot Manager 1.1 The Bot Manager 1.1 rule set is an enhancement to Bot Manager 1.0 rule set. It provides enhanced protection against malicious bots, and increases good bot detection. Expand table Rule groupDescription BadBotsProtect against bad bots ...
To install your new driver on Windows: Right-click the Start button. Click "Device Manager"> Find your device in the list. Right-click the device and select "Update driver" Follow the steps on screen. Restart your computer when done. ...
Windows 10 Version 2009 Active Python plugins db_manager 0.1.20 grassprovider 2.12.99 MetaSearch 0.3.6 processing 2.12.99 Supported QGIS version I'm running a supported QGIS version according tothe roadmap. New profile I tried with a newQGIS profile ...
Abbildung 1 veranschaulicht die Topologie. Der Backup-Server ist der CallManager, und das Backup-Ziel ist ein CRS-Server.Abbildung 1: Einfache Einrichtung - Backup-Server (CallManager) und Backup-Ziel (CRS) Problem Beim Sichern des CRS-Servers schlägt der STI-Sicherungsdienst...
In weblogic.rmi.internal.OIDManager, when the server tried to load weblogic.cos.naming.NamingContextImpl, it was expecting a NoClassDefFound error on non-JDK 1.3 VMs. However, the VisualAge VM throws an IncompatibleClassChangeError, and the Class.forName docs say this is allowed. Since this...
ChooseServer Data >(server name)-LCC > App Data > CTI Manager List. Based on how many CTI Managers you have, do the same for all. On the right-hand side, double-click on each of them, configure the IP address if it is set to the host name, and clickOK. ...
As a member of the FFP/EFSP project team, under the leadership of the FFP/EFSP Program Manager (PM), the Market Officer (MO) is responsible for leading the execution of daily project activities in her/his geographic location, while maintaining relationships with local partner staff as well as...