The defense system of the small intestine includes a protective mucus layer, a high turnover of epithelial cells, and a regulated of effector molecules, notably antimicrobial . and small intestines share many similarities in their intestinal defense micro-organization, including the of the well-known...
CRS Review Finds No Simple Conclusions On Fate of Oil From Gulf of Mexico SpillThe Congressional Research Service, reviewing information on the fate of spilled oil from the Deep-water Horizon disaster, ran into the same problem that the Obama administration and independent researchers encountered: ...
Lower Colorado River Authority, "August 6 Update on Transformer Fire," press release, August 6, 2003. 28. RTO Insider, "Substation Saboteurs 'No Amateurs'," April 2, 2014, 29. Chelsea J. Carter, "Arkansas Man Charged in Connection ...
2217, increased PDM funding through an amendment by Colorado Representatives Tipton and Polis. 24. 42 U.S.C. 5133(d). 25. 42 U.S.C. 5133(d)(2)(B). 26. R.W. Greene, Confronting Catastrophe (ESRI Press: Redlands, California, 2002), p.15. 27. Stafford Act, Section 404, as...
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血清cTnI、NT-proBNP、CysC三者联合诊断4型CRS的受试者工作特征曲线 2023, 23(10): 819-824. 4型心肾综合征患者血清肌钙蛋白I、N末端B型利钠肽原、胱抑素C水平变化及应用价值 . 本文全文图片血清cTnI、NT-proBNP和CysC诊断4型CRS的受试者工作特征曲线 血清cTnI、NT-proBNP、CysC三者联合诊断4型CRS的受试...
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