Goebel, A., Barker, C., Birklein, F., Brunner, F., Casale, R., Eccleston, C., . . . Wells, C. (2019). Standards for the diagnosis and management of complex regional pain syndrome: Results of a European ...
复杂性区域性疼痛综合征(Complex regional pain syndrome,CRPS)是一种继发于创伤性事件或全身性疾病之后出现的以持续性(自发和/或诱发)局部疼痛为特征的综合征。疼痛是区域性的(不是在特定的神经区域或皮肤),通常远端有感觉、运动、汗液分泌、血管舒缩和/或营...
Aim: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) is a common disorder in childhood, often with prolonged diagnostic delays due to variable presentation and poor recognition. Management and expected outcomes in children differ to adults, with physical therapies...
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) – A brief reviewCRPSNeuropathic painReflex sympathetic dystrophyTreatment optionsThis review presents a brief synopsis in the current concepts in diagnosis of a perplexing clinical condition that has the potential to be under diagnosed. In addition, it briefly ...
Physiotherapy is considered in pain medicine to be a key element in the management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). This is the first paper to document and categorise all physiotherapy intervention methods used as well as evaluate the outcomes of a case series of 18 CRPS patients ...
Wasner G, Schattschneider J, Binder A, Baron R. Complex regional pain syndrome--diagnostic, mechanisms, CNS involvement and therapy. Spinal Cord. 2003;41(2):61-75. Wertli MM, Brunner F, Steurer J, Held U. Usefulness of bone scintigraphy for the diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome ...
There really is no laboratory test to diagnose Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. It is diagnosed on clinical grounds particularly to a nerve or soft tissue injury which does not respond in a normal healing path. A thorough medical history and physical examination are necessary. It should be noted ...
复杂性区域疼痛综合征(complexregionalpainsyndrome,CRPS)是组织损伤后继发的以肢体疼痛为主要表现的、有血管运动因素参与的、涉及关节、肌肉、骨骼、皮肤等组织的综合征。CRPS涉及多个临床科室,脑卒中、骨折后多发,因此康复医学科成为负责CRPS诊疗和临床研究的最主要科室。病例一 周某某,女性,52岁主诉:外伤后左腕部疼痛...
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1; CRPS (currently accepted taxonomy); Reflex Neurovascular Dystrophy (unconventional taxonomy used by a few clinicians); Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy; RSD (obsolete taxonomy); Suddick’s Atrophy (historical name)Definition...
With a heavy heart, I would like to inform everyone in the RSD-CRPS community that Doctor Hooshang Hooshmand passed away on August 9, 2019. Doctor Hooshmand practiced Neurology for over 40-years with a special interest in the management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). He helped thou...