Full size image Increased P300 mediates the high expression of METTL1 via H3K27 acetylation modification To explore the potential molecular mechanisms underlying the high METTL1 expression in CRPC, we first visualized the modification form in the promoter of the METTL1 gene via the UCSC online web...
Fig. 5 Go and PPI analysis. a: The top 10 results of GO functional analysis in CRPC-castration DEGs. b: Construction of PPI network of CRPC-castration DEGs. Full size imageFurthermore, we used STRING to explore the protein-protein interaction (PPI) of the DEGs. CRPC-specific DEGs ...
E KDM4A-AS1 RNA expression in prostate cancer cell lines using qPCR. F, G Disease-free survival of patients in microarray and TCGA database using Kaplan–Meier survival analysis. Full size image We next detected the expression of KDM4A-AS1 using RNAScope in a tissue microarray of 4 benign ...
Ltd (Beijing, China) and the experimental process was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University (Tianjin, China). In short, 5 × 106 C4-2 cells were subcutaneously implanted to form subcutaneous transplant tumors in nude mice. Nude mice were ...
A major current challenge in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, which can be initially controlled by medical or surgical castration, is the development of effective, safe, and affordable therapies against progression of the disease to the stage of castration resistance. Here, we showed that...
inthenewperiod,buildingamodernmilitaryforcesystemwithChinesecharacteristics. Todeepentheadjustmentofpersonnelsystemreforminthearmy,militarypolicyandsystemreform,promotethedevelopmentofmilitaryandcivilianintegrationdepth.Plenarysessionstressedthatcomprehensivereformmustbetostrengthenandimprovetheparty'sleadership,givefullplayto...
p53 is a tumor suppressor that prevents cancer onset and progression, and mutations in the p53 gene cause loss of the tumor suppressor function of the protein. The mutant p53 protein in tumor cells can form aggregates which contribute to the dominant-negative effect over the wild-type p53 prot...
Ltd (Beijing, China) and the experimental process was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Second Hospital of Tian- jin Medical University (Tianjin, China). In short, 5 × 106 C4-2 cells were subcutaneously implanted to form sub- cutaneous transplant tumors in nude mice. Nude mice ...
Full size image KDM8 regulates androgen responses via partnership with AR KDM8 activates AR response in the absence of androgen In addition to metabolic adaptation, aberrant activation of AR responses is another critical step of castration-resistance. In our transcriptome analysis of KDM8 overexpressing...