CRP is a non-specific, acute-phase protein, meaning its concentration is altered in response to inflammation4. The acute respiratory distress syndrome induced by SARS-CoV-2 is, in part, a result of the hyperinflammation caused by the virus2. CRP is a well-characterised inflammatory biomarker an...
Depending on lab procedures, normal values for CRP range between 2 and 10 mg/l, and a level of 10 mg or higher is an indicator of a serious infection, trauma or inflammatory condition. (Mayo Clinic, 2020) However, despite a level of <10 being in the normal range, ...
IntJLabMed , April2014 , Vol.35 , No.7 图 1 ROC 曲线分析 3 讨 论 菌血症是指外界的细菌经由体表入口或感染入口进入血 液系统后在人体血液内繁殖并随血流在全身播散而引起的一 种严重的全身感染性疾病。近年来,各种血管留置导管技术的 快速发展,抗菌药物的广泛使用及大量免疫抑制剂的使用,条 ...