[8]Han E, Fritzer-Szekeres M, Szekeres T, Gehrig T, Gyöngyösi M, Bergler-Klein J. Comparison of High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein vs C-reactive Protein for Cardiovascular Risk Prediction in Chronic Cardiac Disease[J]. J Appl Lab Med.2022,29;7(6):1259-1271 说明:本文为原创投稿,不...
event,have either one or none of the traditional risk factors.In the past decade,numerous epidemiologic studies have demonstrated the ability of CRP to predict future myocardial infarction,stroke,peripheral arterial disease and sudden cardiac death in both men and women.These findings support the ...
Chronic coronary artery disease.In: Braunwald E, editor. Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascul 11、ar Medicine. Th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1997,1289-1365. 【摘】目的研究急性冠脉综合征(ACS)患者血清C-反应蛋白(CRP)浓度水平并与对照组比较,探讨CRP是否为ACS的一 本篇论文是由3COME文档频道的...
They also were more likely to have a cardiac procedure, like angioplasty (a procedure that opens clogged arteries with the use of a flexible tube) or bypass surgery, than those with the lowest CRP levels. How Is C-Reactive Protein Measured? It’s done with a simple blood test. It can b...
Cardiovascular Disease An increasing amount of research exists to suggest CRP is not only a useful, non-specific inflammatory biomarker, but it may have a direct influence on coronary heart disease and cardiac events1. Inflammation can occur when LDL cholesterol builds up in the artery walls causin...
Recent prospective studies have demonstrated that increased CRP concentrations within the reference interval are a strong predictor of myocardial infarction, stroke, sudden cardiac death, and peripheral vascular disease in apparently healthy adults. The correlation of circulating CRP concentrations with the ...
They also were more likely to have a cardiac procedure, like angioplasty (a procedure that opens clogged arteries with the use of a flexible tube) or bypass surgery, than those with the lowest CRP levels. How Is C-Reactive Protein Measured?
The predictive value of the hs-CRP/HDL-C ratio, an inflammation-lipid composite marker, for cardiovascular disease in middle-aged and elderly people: evidence from a large national cohort study. Lipids Health Dis. 2024;23(1):66. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12944-024-02055-7. Article CAS ...
The relationship between CRP,BNP,ET-1and disease condition and heart structure in patients with COPD complicated with PH Sun Danying,厶/厶uoyao,Chen Ledan.Respiratory medicine department, the first affiliated hospital of Henan〃ni©ersity of Science and Technology,Luoyang,Henan,471003,China(Sun ...
Elevated serum concentrations (>3 mg/L) of the acute-phase protein, C-reactive protein (CRP), is used as a clinical marker of inflammation and is reported to be a strong risk factor for cardiovascular disease. In psychiatric populations, CRP concentration is reported to be higher in depress...