They also were more likely to have a cardiac procedure, like angioplasty (a procedure that opens clogged arteries with the use of a flexible tube) or bypass surgery, than those with the lowest CRP levels. How Is C-Reactive Protein Measured? It’s done with a simple blood test. It can b...
QIAGEN158467Gentra Puregene Blood Kit (120 ml) 公司简介 深圳子科生物科技有限公司是一家从事生命科学,生物技术领域研发、生产和经营为一体的专业化生物工程公司,经过多年专业化技术研发团队、科研销售团队不懈的努力和坚持已迅速成为集科研、生产、销售为一体的专业化生物工程公司,是国内各大重点实验室 合作单位,主要...
EDTA Tube is widely used in clinical haematology as well as various kinds of blood cell test instruments. The tube inner walls are specially processed for preventing the sticking and hemolysis. It makes use of EDTAK2/EDTAK3 as anticoagulant. Meanwhile, it offers a comprehe...