The present work focuses on this double-exchange regime and aims to gain further insight into the factors controlling spin alignment in doped magnetic chains and doped metallacrowns with a local spin s = 1 per magnetic unit. As the size of these correlated systems is too large to allow an ...
The theory of branch autonomy in a carbon economy has been applied to explaining branch growth and death [15]. This theory suggests that branches are autonomous and do not depend on carbon imported from other branches or other parts of a tree; light conditions in the growing season are ...
This study investigated the influence of CAD/CAM fabricated (milled) CoCr, ZrO2, and electroformed GAL secondary crowns on a PEEK primary crown and the influence of three different taper angles, i.e., 0˝, 1˝, and 2˝, respectively. In this context, the retention force was measured...
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