the future» Spiritual crowns »Cast at jesus' feet Revelation 4:10 Verse Concepts thetwenty-four elders willfall down before Him whosits on the throne, and will worshipHim who lives forever and ever, and will cast theircrowns before the throne, saying, ...
Crowns » Spiritual crowns » Cast at jesus' feetRevelation 4:10 Verse Concepts the twenty-four elders will fall down before Him who sits on the throne, and will worship Him who lives forever and ever, and will cast their crowns before the throne, saying, ...
Thank You, Jesus. All the week while she was at Duke, the Casting Crowns song “Scars in Heaven” seems to have been on auto-repeat on my Christian radio station. Listening to the beautiful truth of this song, I thought of Becky…and prayed. “I know the road you walked was anything...