After seven and a half years at the helm, Tony Vinciquerra will leave a significant handprint on the 100-year history of the studio now known as Sony Pictures Entertainment when he steps down as CEO on Jan. 2. His legacy will be measured as much by what he didn’t do during his time...
Saturday, the closing day of the great dedication week, will be the grandest of the week. Look in another column for the programme of the wonderful fireworks exhibit that will take place that night, and then consider those additional attractions. On that day the judges make known the lucky w...
I have been led by the gods of old... 分享回复1 吴淇欣吧 梦徒步旅行 G-DragonHappyBirthday#Happy818GDay GD爱人生日快乐[INFORMATION DESK PERSON]喜欢你才三年不到今年是BB第八年了[FACE WITH OK GESTURE]Fantastic BABY I Love You[DANCER]谢谢你来到这个世界[CROWN]Coup D’?tat[CROWN] ...
Iron / Steel has 10 hardness and 30 hp per inch of thickness. Does this mean that alchemical silver weapons would have harness 8 and 1/3 the hp of a normal weapon made of steel? I.e. Normal longsword has 10 hardness and 5 hit points (1 handed blade's stats.) While one made of...