Further complicating things – none of the molding seemed to be the standard stuff you can buy at Home Depot, so we couldn’t just fill in the gaps with fresh pieces from the store. The only thing saving me from having to re-crown the entire room? I had carefully saved every single p...
ReplyDelete Replies Yes it is. Delete If you have a specific question I will do my best to answer you back here! You can find our paint colors and links to items at the "Our Home" tab at the top of my site. THANKS so much for reading!
Adam's moulding customer service is superb. Blanca was so helpful and courteous. Delivery was super fast. You can't beat their price. Don't waste your money at Lowe's or Home Depot. –Daniel L. I love Adams moulding! They can make almost any kind of moulding you can imagine! –Kath...
Professional Carpentry, Trim and Cabinets in Atlanta - From crown molding for interior decorating to architectural moldings for interior design. We specialize in high end finish carpentry work (crown molding, pediments, doors, window trim, wainscoting, f