But one day the Land Rover stopped showing up. That’s because Westfield was a small town. Baumeister’s kids attended Westfield schools until high school when, like many students from the wealthier families, they were sent to one of the private schools in Indianapolis, just a 20-minute ...
Area map was modified from Zhou et al.13. stem-chelonioid sea turtles21–25. Finally, contrasting hypotheses have been proposed for the content of Sinemyidae5,7,10,12,22,26–29 pending the inclusion of Pan-Pleurodira in the phylogenetic analysis13. With the help of a revised morphological...
where the emargination is more developed18,37. The nuchal contacts the first peripherals laterally, the first costals posterolaterally and the first neural posteriorly. In contrast, the nuchal is laterally more expanded and has an additional contact...