作曲家詹姆斯·斯威灵珍(James Swearingen)以大胆而雄壮的号角音乐开始,然后带着乐队在这首著名的赞美诗中进行了一系列丰富、华丽的和声,最后形成了一个华丽的结尾。包括管风琴的可选声部,是发展表现力、音色控制和乐句概念的完美工具。 《来拥戴主为王》是一首雄壮、典雅的加冕赞歌,作者是英国圣公会牧师布里奇斯(M...
【Crown Him With Many Crowns】 赞美:Don Moen 专辑:〖God for Us〗 旷野呼声收集整理 Jesus Jesus Crown Him with many crowns The Lamb upon His throne Hark how the heavenly Anthem drowns all music but its own Awake my soul and sing
獻唱: The Big Sing by the many choirs and the congregation at Royal Albert Hall London 2004 配上中英文歌詞字幕 Crown Him with Many Crowns 來擁戴主為王 中英文歌詞 Crown him with many crowns, 來擁戴主為王 the Lamb upon his throne. 聖羔在寶座上 while heaven’s eternal anthem drowns 請聽...
Crown Him With Many Crowns Crown Him with many crowns the Lamb upon the throne Hark, how the heavenly anthem drowns all music but its ownCrown Hi..
赞美诗《来拥戴主为王》/Crown Him With Many Crowns演奏: 作曲编曲:詹姆斯·斯威灵珍 [James Swearingen] 演奏指挥:暂无专辑风格:宗教音乐 音乐形式:交响管乐 演奏乐器:暂无唱片厂牌:C. L. Barnhouse 发行时间:暂无专辑介绍 作曲家詹姆斯·斯威灵珍(James Swearingen)以大胆而雄壮的号角音乐开始,然后带着乐队在这...
【Crown Him With Many Crowns】 赞美:Don Moen 专辑:〖God for Us〗 旷野呼声收集整理 Jesus Jesus Crown Him with many crowns The Lamb upon His throne Hark how the heavenly Anthem drowns all music but its own Awake my soul and sing
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Crown him with many crowns The lamb upon his throne Hark how the heavenly anthem drowns All music but it's own Awake my soul and sing Of him who died for thee And hail him as thy matchless king Through all eternity Crown him the Lord of love Behold his hands and side ...