Anchor Slips Down the Chart as Flora Steals Its CrownRead the full-text online article and more details about "Anchor Slips Down the Chart as Flora Steals Its Crown" by Johnson, Mike - Marketing, August 22, 1991By JohnsonMike
(Nautical) The lowest part of an anchor, where the arms are joined to the shank. Crown (Architecture) The highest portion of an arch, including the keystone. Crown The upper, spreading part of a tree or shrub. Crown The part of a plant, usually at ground level, where the stem and ro...
Faster-RCNN is composed of two parts: Fast-RCNN and RPN. The primary function of RPN is to filter out the high-quality regional proposal boxes in the feature map. Then, the sliding window traverses each point in the feature map and configures k anchor boxes of different sizes on each ...