Threat Intelligence Overview Explore Pricing Resources Contact us Platform Threat Intelligence & Hunting CrowdStrike Falcon® Counter Adversary Operations Know your adversary. Stop breaches.The industry’s only unified intelligence and hunting team built to disrupt adversaries....
Hear the latest adversary trends and tradecraft from our report to gain firsthand insights from the CrowdStrike 2024 Threat Hunting Report. This briefing will include insights into: • New adversaries and behaviors • Increasing adversary stealth and sophistication • Modern threats to cloud, ident...
Where Does Threat Hunting Fit? Threat hunting is highly complementary to the standard process of incident detection, response, and remediation. As security technologies analyze the raw data to generate alerts, threat hunting is working in parallel – using queries and automation – to extract hunting...
CrowdStrike发布的《2024年全球威胁报告》指出,网络攻击生态系统仍在持续增长,CrowdStrike在2023年观察到了34个新的威胁参与者。 概述 近日,CrowdStrike发布了《2024年全球威胁报告》,揭示了网络攻击的最新趋势。报告指出,网络攻击生态系统仍在持续增长,CrowdStrike在2023年观察到了34个新的威胁参与者。同时,攻击者正越来越...
ransomware to encrypt victim data. According to the company, the method continued to be a more attractive and easier monetization route for threat actors, "as evidenced by the 76% increase in the number of victims named on BGH [big game hunting] dedicated leak sites (DLSs) betwee...
The webcast will also focus on: •How has the threat landscape shifted since the global pandemic emerged, forcing the rapid adoption of remote work and opening new avenues for attack? •What industries have seen the biggest shifts in attack activity? •What are the adversary motives...
pe3zx/crowdstrike-falcon-queries Star181 Code Issues Pull requests A collection of Splunk's Search Processing Language (SPL) for Threat Hunting with CrowdStrike Falcon splunkthreat-huntingcrowdstrike UpdatedMay 23, 2020 A really good DFIR automation for collecting and analyzing evidence designed for cyb...
Additional Resources See Falcon’s unrivaled protection in action in a short demo. Learn about our threat intelligence and hunting subscriptions. Experience how the industry-leading CrowdStrike Falcon® platform protects against modern threats. Start your 15-day free trial today.Tweet...
CrowdStrike on Tuesday introduced Falcon OverWatch Cloud Threat Hunting, a new standalone security service for detecting advanced cloud security threats.