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Digital output buffer and method with slew rate control and reduced crowbar current 来自 百度文库 喜欢 0 阅读量: 50 申请(专利)号: WO1992US01646 申请日期: 1992-02-28 公开/公告号: WO9216052A1 公开/公告日期: 1992-09-17 申请(专利权)人: VLSI TECHNOLOGY, INC.发明人:...
Digital output buffer and method with slew rate control and reduced crowbar currentUS5231311 * 1991年6月3日 1993年7月27日 Vlsi Technology, Inc. Digital output buffer and method with slew rate control and reduced crowbar currentUS5231311 * Jun 3, 1991 Jul 27, 1993 Vlsi Technology, Inc. ...