Use our free crossword puzzle solver. Crossword clues and answers gathered daily. Guaranteed to find any answers for any crossword puzzles.
Thirty easy-to-work puzzles, each with spaces for 4 or 5 words that form a theme: types of transportation, fruit, animals, birds, numbers, flowers, musical instruments, and so on. Each crossword contains large, colorable pictures that provide hints to correct words. Solutions included. Cross...
【解析】【答案】Yes, they do.In most newspapers, and in books of crossword puzzles.The clues can help you guess the wordshworkout the puzzles.Siz./6.Pen.【解析】这篇短文介绍了纵横格填字游戏。很多人都喜欢做这种游戏,在每个纵横字谜游戏中有两套线索:一组指示横向构词,另一组指示纵向构词。细节...
美[ˈkrɔsˌwɜrd] 英[ˈkrɒsˌwɜː(r)d] na.纵横字谜 网络纵横拼字谜;填字游戏;一种填字游戏 单数:crossword复数:crosswords复数:crossword puzzles 同义词 n. acrostic,game,puzzle 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. (puzzle) 纵横字谜...
简介 Test your vocabulary and guessing skills. Fill empty squares with letter and solve crossword. Every word has a hint phrase to help you. 新内容 版本记录 2023年6月27日 版本1.4 Fixed some descriptions. App 隐私 开发者“Vintolo Ltd”已表明该 App 的隐私规范可能包括了下述的数据处理方式。有...
clues in each crossword puzzle: one for words going "across" and the other for words going "down".If you think you know the word, you can write it in the correct place. Letters from one word can help you guess other words in the puzzles. Can you work out the crossword puzzle ...
If you like free crossword puzzles to print, you're in the right place! The puzzles in this collection are great for older kids and adults. Take a look through the topics, and start solving the ones you like best. You'll find links to additional puzzles and activities on each puzzle...
Letters from one word can help you guess other words in the puzzles.Can you work out the crossword puzzle below?1Across1. You can eat this.22. To is faster than to walk.3. You sleep in this.Down31. Put this in your drink to make it cold.2. You can write with this.43. The ...
How does a crossword puzzle work? Crossword puzzles are drawn puzzles that are usually in the shape of a square or rectangle.The puzzle is filled with black and white squares.The goal of acrossword puzzleis to fill the white boxes with the answers to a series of questions.Most crosswords...
【题目】Crossword puzzlesMany people love to do word puzzles. Oneof the most popular types is the crosswordpuzzle. You can find crossword puzzles inmost newspapers, and there are also books of them.There are two sets of clues in each crossword puzzle: one for wordsgoing “across" and ...