The list extends to first names, place names, technical terms, compound expressions, abbreviations, and euphemisms. Grouped according to number of letters - up to fifteen - this section is easy to use and suitable for all levels of crossword puzzle. At the end a further 3,000 words are ...
The puzzle was conceived as the intersection of two three-lane highways with traffic in gridlock. WIDE OPEN SPACES is remarkable for its paucity of black squares, its many long entries, and its short word list. The limit would be a 21 x 21 grid with no black squares made of 21 across ...
List of Crossword Puzzles for Kids Word Families- Find a word for each clue that belongs to the same word family as the BOLD words. Fun, easy printable crossword puzzle for elementary and ESL students. Vegetable Stir-Fry- Do you like your veggies all mixed up? That's great, because in...
See if your top10 items are in our list of 22! Just one catch...You need to unscramble ours first, and then place them into the diagram! This is a great activity for the classroom, for family Thanksgiving, or to solve on your own at anytime. ...
Carly Rae Jepsen shared a crossword puzzle ,that teases the names of tracks on her upcoming album 'The Loveliest Time' -- see it here.
To do list marking Timbuktu setting Tight spot for three men Telly staple original life on mars channel Transistors forerunner Tigers concern Theyre not optional This means war The spanish tragedy playwright thomas Triptik notably Three time all star reliever robb Take for a ride The economy in ma...
List of founders of religious traditions(10 Words) +2 More PLANTS AND TREES Plants and flowers(16 Words) Parts of flowers(12 Words) Parts of plant(11 Words) Botany(9 Words) 10 easy to grow flowers of all times(10 Words) +2 More ...
III. The rules of crosswords . . . Crossword puzzles that appear in The New York Times follow certain rules, and I hereby propose to list some of them. Some of them are of little interest, but many will likely help you play better if you know what they are, such as knowing that an...
It's Geography Time: Learn Names Of Continents Clue List Across 1. The traditional number of continents in the world. 3. This island continent is also its own country 4. Canada and the United States are located in ___. 6. The combined landmass of Europe and Asia. 7. Egypt, Nigeria...
"Crossword Solver" helps find the solutions for crosswords and other similar games. The application uses the letters you already know to find a list of possible answers. It has many advantages compared to similar applications: 1) Contains many thousands of Proper Nouns, including full names, pro...