In case you are stuck with a specific crossword clue and are looking for help, you could always leave a comment here on our site or on our official Facebook page and one of our staff members will be more than happy to help you out!
In the game, the participants were given sets of words such as "same, tennis, head" and asked to find a meaningful link between them. The answer, in this case, would be "match? ". After analysing the results in a way that ruled out the potential effects of a person's intelligence ...
The goal in this case is to identify as many nomenclature errors as you can in the puncta published in this issue. So, have fun, learn, impress your colleagues and take a break from lab work; unless you are working in my lab in that case, you should be working at the bench or ...
In case you have missed a good deal you can still browse the best of the month, and best of the week section. These sections would help you grab the discounts that you have missed out in the past. If you want to get today’s best online shopping deals, check the hot deals section ...
Are you up for some brain workout? We’ve got a perfect brain-training machine for you here! Our Crostic puzzle word game will instantly train your brain muscles…
We have the answer for DJ's version of a song crossword clue in case you’ve been struggling to solve this one! Crossword puzzles can be an excellent way to stimulate your brain, pass the time, and challenge yourself all at once. Of course, sometimes there’s a crossword clue that ...
For 1. Across, “Express”, the initial thought was “pay”. However, this shows as red. To delete the incorrect letter, we simply click the letter and press delete. Alternatively, it is possible to simply type the correct letter (in this case “s”) over the wrong answer. ...
Crossword Labs offer three sharing options: You can make your puzzle public making it visible in search engines so that anyone can find, view, solve and print your puzzles. Hidden in which case only those with the URL of your puzzle can access, and Private only you can access it. You ...
In case you would like to add your site on our directory then kindly contact us, usually we respond within 48-72 business hours and we will make sure to include your link if we see it fits within on of our main categories Did you know that there are over 57004 syllable wordsin the ...
Crossword Labsprovides access to a wide variety of free printable Christmas crossword puzzles. You can either play these crossword puzzles online or print them for offline use. In case you want to play them online, Crossword Labs offers a Focus Mode which removes all distracting features provid...