4 Thoroughfare without tolls : FREEWAY 5 Knight’s title : SIR 6 Befitting an offspring : FILIAL 7 Upper limbs : ARMS 8 Corp. leader : CEO 9 Pt. of SASE : ENV 10 Enraging, with “off” : TEEING 11 Show respect, in a way : TIP ONE’S HAT 12 Flight selection : AISLE SEAT 13...
The worker bees have many jobs. They collect pollen; clean, cool, and protect the hive; and care for the queen and her offspring. The job that each worker bee does depends on its stage of development. Young bees work inside the hive, while older bees work outside. The worker bees also...
crossword puzzles American English(填字游戏美式英语).pdf,section 2 rossword puzzles are an excellent vehicle for cooperative learning. The crossword puzzles in this section are graded into the categories of easy Cand challenging, based upon the diffic