Maintainer Peter Meissner<***> Description Generate crosswords from a list of words.License MIT+file LICENSE Encoding UTF-8 LazyData true Imports R6(>=2.2.0),dplyr(>=0.5.0),stringr(>=1.2.0),magrittr (>=1.5),jsonlite(>=1.5),r6extended(>=0.1.1)RoxygenNote6.0.1 Suggests ...
<li data-str="help-clue4"></li> <li data-str="help-clue5"></li> </ul> <p data-str="help5"></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="settings screen"> <div class="message"> <button class="close" id="close-settings">❌</button> <div> <h1 data-str="settings"></h1...
Yes, you can import a `CSV' format file of words and clues, e.g. as saved by any spreadsheet program, see the option on the Menu button in the Clue Database Manager on the Clue menu. The import options and procedure to import from an Excel file are demonstrated in thisvideo tutorial...
In case you've wondered whether there is any correlation between the length of the answer and the number of words per clue, Buzzer's data says no. When the number of letters in the solution, arranged from smallest to largest, is plotted against the clue length, the line for clue length ...
Data that has been processed by the computer. Information 13 、Unprocessed facts. Data 14 、Notebook computer that accepts handwritten input.. Tablet PC Down Num. Clue Answer 2 、Uses computers to become more productive. End User 3 、Rules or guidelines to follow when using software, hardware...
Using the plurality of data items, a dictionary of clue-word pairs are generated. A crossword layout is generated using a random crossword layout generator. The generated crossword layout is input to a model that outputs a likelihood that the input crossword layout results in a valid cross...
Dr. Naranan wishes to extend his work to an organized group of solvers who tackle many puzzles. This will not only generate a large sample size crucial for statistical analysis of data with long tails, but also confirm the robustness of the NBD model for crossword-solving errors. The study...
theendofthechaptertodeterminewhateachcluerepresents,andthenlocatethe correspondingwordorphraseinthepuzzle.Youcanthentrytheaccompanying crosswordwhichrepeatscluesfromthe“wordfind”toreinforcethematerial,andwhich addsadditionalcluestochallengeyoufurther.Andifyouareuptoachallenge,trythe ...