66 Options package for a new car, and what can be found at the start of the answer to each starred clue : TRIM LEVEL 68 With 31-Down, Great Barrier Reef locale : CORAL … 69 Smack : SLAP 70 Farm grunt : OINK 71 Between, in French : ENTRE ...
Clue Answer Unlock all answersPlease join to get access Ship of the desert Camel Answer Unlock all answersPlease join to get access People things are named after Eponyms Answer Unlock all answersPlease join to get access Picks out of a line up IDs Answer Unlock all answersPlease join to get...
And in order to solve that equation, i.e., in order to identify that relationship where ANSWER = Clue, it's helpful to know which relationships can exist in crosswords. If you get stuck on a seemingly easy clue-and-answer relationship, it's good to return to the advice above about kee...