Each kriss kross has a starting letter, which is a clue to solving the puzzle, however, you will have to test your logic and thinking ahead abilities. Word Fill-in is a perfect crosswords game for adults. Start from easy puzzles and progress to the hard ones.Test your word puzzle skills...
Each kriss kross has a starting letter, which is a clue to solving the puzzle, however, you will have to test your logic and thinking ahead abilities. Word Fill-in is a perfect crosswords game for adults. Start from easy puzzles and progress to the hard ones.Test your word puzzle skills...
Make a crossword puzzle in three easy steps. Step 1 — Your Words Give your puzzle a title and provide some answers and clues. Clues can be of any length. The software will work any reasonable number of answer/clue pairs into a puzzle. ...
so visit us again for more crossword clues. Or, perhaps you want to take a rewind back in time. We’ve been collecting answers for crosswords for some time, so if you have a clue that’s giving you trouble
A crossword clue might be “a fruit with yellow skin.”. Your answer must fit in the grid. The word for this clue has six boxes. To fill in those boxes, you need to answer the clue with the word “banana.” Other words in the puzzle share some of the same letters. Because of ...
Sign In 填字游戏 Crossword Chinese Language Description Hola Mesa Taza , copa Agua Nosotros Gustar Ropa América Silla Hospital Llover Señor Mediodía Ahora Gato Profesor Ver Arroz Tienda Dormir Show More... Customize Add, edit, delete clues, and customize this puzzle.Print copies for an entir...
If a clue is labeled as being across, you’ll need to find a word that corresponds to that clue and fill it in horizontally. If a clue is labeled as being down, you’ll do the same, but vertically, starting from the top. Only the right word will fit, though. While you might be...
Have you ever fancied trying to create a password puzzle rather than filling-in one? Crossword Forge gives you the power to do just that. Creating a crossword is made simple with Crossword Forge by just writing a question of the clue and entering the correct answer. The tricky part is ...
Not only do they need to solve a clue and think of the correct answer, but they also have to consider all of the other words in the crossword to make sure the words fit together. Crosswords are great for building and using vocabulary. If this is your first time using a crossword ...
A crossword clue might be “a fruit with yellow skin.”. Your answer must fit in the grid. The word for this clue has six boxes. To fill in those boxes, you need to answer the clue with the word “banana.” Other words in the puzzle share some of the same letters. Because of ...