尝试更新下显卡驱动,有的模拟器对配置要求过高 目前用的雷电,占内存小,配置一般的也可以用。Android是一种基于Linux的自由及开放源代码的操作系统,主要使用于移动设备,如智能手机和平板电脑,由Google公司和开放手机联盟领导及开发。尚未有统一中文名称,中国大陆地区较多人使用“安卓”或“安致”。2013...
求组贴:crossw..我在电脑上用安卓模拟器安装了一个RPG游戏运行就提示(crosswalk runtime library not found)运行库没有找到人行横道。 试过天天和逍遥都一样这个要怎么解决
各位大神 我启动游戏提示缺少Crosswalk Runtime Library 只看楼主收藏回复 chengnuo9213 初级粉丝 1 手机上运行正常 但是紫啊模拟器上就打不开 各位大佬有没有解决的办法啊送TA礼物 1楼2017-09-22 21:51回复 舒豪_雨 知名人士 11 重新下载一下试试看,提示是 下载记录无法查询 4楼2017-12-04 10:07...
XWalkLibraryInterface.java XWalkLibraryLoader.java XWalkMixedResources.java XWalkUpdater.java strings tools BUILD.gn core_internal core_internal_empty core_internal_shell core_shell dummy_lib maven runtime_lib sample templates OWNERS app browser
第三方app想load /system/lib 下的so库。报错:is not accessible for the namespace 缘由:android限制了app加载so库,从 7.1.2 源码来看,在加载so库的时候会检查 加载者的 权限,对于部分常用的库比如:libssl.so libsqlite.so libutils.so libstagefright.so libmedia.so libbinder.so libandroid_runtime.so ...
android:value="" /> <meta-data android:name="xwalk_download_mode" android:value="enable" /> 除了像共享模式那样继承XWalkActivity,下载模式下还可以使用XWalkInitializer,这样就可以让Activity更灵活了,需要注意的是如果在布局中就使用了XWalkView则必须...
嘛,大概有一些游戏好..嘛,大概有一些游戏好像兼容不了会显示需要crosswalk runtime library(minidayz)而terraria在gg大玩家下载时显示“暂时不支持intel x86设备”,而我使用移动
Note: Currently the tool reports an ERROR if lzma is not found. You can safely ignore this for now. Everything else is according to plan. You can follow this Guide. Godspeed. Introduction Crosswalk is an app runtime based on Chromium/Blink. It is an open source project started by the ...
01-01 08:02:21.109 3224 3249 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: R.raw.xwalk_100_percent can't be found. 01-01 08:02:21.109 3224 3249 E AndroidRuntime: at org.xwalk.core.internal.XWalkViewDelegate$2.openRawResource(XWalkViewDelegate.java:295) 01-01 08:02:21.109...
I'm assuming the enclosing <em>...</em> was not part of what you found in the config.xml file? If so, that may have created the problem, but I've never seen that in a config.xml file, so I suspect it was just a copy problem when you made the post. If it indeed does not...